
Don’t kill yourself

Life is not fair. It has never been fair. Really bad things happen to the best of people. People are not fair in their dealings; family members, friends or co-workers can be irrational, harsh or unjust. Some may envy us for our success, while others might ridicule us for our failures and yet others may keep talking about us behind our back. Our expectations might not be fulfilled and we may miss our goals and objectives more than once due to our own mistakes and weaknesses or because of external factors. Besides, there would, almost always, be social and family challenges that seem to be insurmountable.

We may be tempted towards anti-social activities like drinking, smoking, or consuming even more dangerous stuff such as opium or heroin, and may suffer their consequences later on in life.  Also, at times, some of us may be victims of the kind of social ills about which we do not dare speak because every society, no matter how “glorious” it looks from the outside, has some rotten parts needing treatment.

All these negative social realities have always been part of human life and they affect us in many ways by making us feel ashamed, angry, rejected, cheated, anxious or unwanted. It is true that prevalence of these powerful negative emotions can make our lives less happy and more stressed but can these reasons and emotions  justify eliminating the blessing called life? In fact, is any reason enough to push us towards that undesirable and fatal action, capable not just of tormenting but destroying our lives and the lives of the very people who truly care for and love us?

In my opinion, the answer is a big no. Nothing justifies death at your own hand. What we need to realize is that every problem has a solution and if enough efforts are put into the search for solutions we can overcome all of our problems, be them personal, professional, social, economic or others. The trouble is that we lose hope too soon and take extreme steps in desperation, like putting out the flame of life and plunging into the depths of darkness, never to return.

What is the way out, you may ask?

It is simple.

First, trust yourself, be confident and value your life. Secondly, always keep friends who have a positive approach towards life. Share your problems candidly with your family members, elders, or trusted friends. Keep your expectations from society and family realistic and promise your loved ones that you will stay away from harm, like anti-social habits. Finally, it is much more important to value yourself than gain the approval and admiration of others. You are worth a lot. Realize it in your thoughts and actions.

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  1. social rejection becomes an actual problem only if one is not able to respond to differences and criticisms of people in a wise manner . after all its an art to protect one z vanity.

  2. Great. I strongly agree to this. and the best thing i like in this the positive friends count in lives so much. Keep it up. 🙂 God Bless. 🙂

  3. ya good observation and realistic approach about issues and its remedial actions to boom and boost educated, and civilized society.

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