[Pictory] Of trucks, palm greasing and poor traffic control in Chitral

Gul Hammad Farooqi
Chitral, October 6: This photograph shows a typical scene in the narrow streets of Chitral Bazar, where two truck have blocked traffic. One of the trucks is parked in middle of the road, while the other is trying to navigate its way through the narrow street, as a traffic police official looks on, without doing much.
It is believed that the traffic police officials allow trucks to park in middle of the roads after their palms are greased regularly by the Truck Owners Association. That the public continues to suffer due to the road blockade is of no apparent concern for the drivers and the traffic police officials. The traffic rules have, apparently, been reserved for the poor public motorists.
It is pertinent to note that jamming of traffic on the University Road, and Hospital/College Road is completely banned but the practice continues in connivance with the traffic police.
The local people are demanding a ban o the parking of trucks in middle of the road and action against the those promoting this practice.