
Gojal: 278 students benefit from Winter Camps organized by Iqra Fund

Gilgit (PR): Iqra Fund Scholarship Program arranged winter camps for its students in January and February 2014 in different parts of the Gojal Valley, in collaboration with different Village Education Committees(VECs) and the Aga Khan Education Service, Pakistan.

Seven winter Centers, each having two tutors,  were established in different villages of Gojal valley with the support of Iqra Fund. A total of 278 students (151 girls), including those who are not supported by the Iqra Fund Scholarship programme, benefited from the Winter Camp. The Centers were also properly heated to help students cope with the winter chill.

During these classes science subjects were given more importance, focusing on the revision of the course material for their final examination.

The respective school management took pre-tests as well as post-tests of the students to gauge improvements made. 

The students expressed satisfaction over the tuition. The Centres were established in Zoodkhun (Chipursan), Khudabad, Passu, Kirmin and Gulmit. 

The winter camps were  appreciated by the students, teachers and the community leaders. They thanked Iqra Fund for all its efforts aimed at imparting quality education and providing opportunities to the needy and deserving students of the community.

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