May Day celebrated in Gilgit

Gilgit, May 1: Labour groups and other civil society organizations celebrated May Day in the Gilgit city. Rallies and processions were held to acknowledge the sacrifices of the laborers who had sacrificed their lives to win their rights from manipulative capitalists and industrialists.

A rally was held under the banner of the NATCO Labour Union. The rally was addressed among others by Advocate Ehsan Ali, Convenor of the Awami Action Committee and a leader of the International Socialist movement, and Abdul Rehman Bukhari, a well-known journalist.
The speakers lamented the absence of labour laws in the Gilgit-Baltistan region. They said that laws have been implemented to oppress dissent and usurp rights of the citizens under one guise or the other but the Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly, during the last five years, has failed to legislate for protection of the rights of the labours.
Islam is a complete code of life. its emphasize on practicality not mere articulations. The holy Quran says why do you utter that you do not follow or obey.We celebrate many events but do not follow its essence. If govt of pakistan has announced ten thousand remuneration for each and every labour than why it does not ensure its implementation in all parts of pakistan. All pakistanis regardless of geographical limitations where ever they live should get ten thousand monthly.God will never send angels for implementation of this bill. this is the task of Govt management and leadership to ensure its implementation. If any institution violates the rules regulations of labour law that should be make bound to follow labour law. Unfortunately in GB no regulatory bodies are exist except courts that is why all are free to run the institutions according to their own will turning down their by laws and rules regulations as well. We suggest to relevant Govt authorities to take it serious and defend the work folk to come on the list of civilized nation.