Bannu defeated Chitral, winning Inter-Regional Football Championship

By: Gul Hamaad Farooqi
Chitral, September 4: The Inter Regional Football Championship tournament concluded at parade ground of Government Centennial Model High School Chitral today.

The final match was played between Bannu and Chitral, in which Bannu team defeated Chitral, 2-1, winning the title. Prominent lawyer and President Qaumi Watan Party Abdul Wali Khan Abdd advocate was chief guest on the occasion. The chief guest demanded establishment of a public stadium at Chitral because youth of Chitral having best potential of football and other games but there is no public play ground. He announced 15000 rupee cash prize for winner team and 10000 for runner up team.
First Semi Final match was played between Chitral and D.I. Khan Football team. In first half of the match Adnan Tariq of Chitral team score one goal while in other half Ziaul Islam of Chitral team score second goal and won the match with 2 goals while his rival team could not score any goal.

In the second semi final, Bannu Division Football team defeated Mardan, 4-3.
The tournament was led by Director Sports Arshad Hussain, Assistant Director Ibadur Rehman, District Sport officer Jamshid Baloch and District sport officer Muhammad Anwar who also distributed trophy and cups among the players. Bacha Khan of Bannu team was declared man of the tournament. A large number of spectators were present on the occasion.