Balti and Domaki discussed at session organized by GB Writers’ Forum in Karachi

Karachi: The Gilgit Baltistan Writer’s Forum Karachi- GBWF arranged the 2nd session of ongoing series of sessions on GB languages on Balti and Domaki language.
Balti is a Tibetic language spoken in Baltistan division in Gilgit–Baltistan and adjoining parts of Ladakh in India. Balti language deeply influenced, and affected by Islamic literature in Persian. Its original scripture was restraint by Islamic preachers after Baltis converted to Islam Since then Persian script replaced the Tibetan script(original script of Balti language). It was assumed that the balti original script is not Islamic that why the have to adopt Persian or Arabic script.
It is encouraging that youth of Baltistan seriously work on balti language and they show their concerns. Muhammad Raza Ghalib,Hamid khan and Syed Sadaqat Ali Kazmi shed light on balti language.
Salahuddin Aazad shed light on Domaki language which is spoken in Hunza, Nager and other some parts of Gilgit Baltistan . Domaaki people worked as musicians and blacksmiths for centuries but today they are in different professions. Salahudin said due to social injustice Doms speakers isolate form mainstream of society due to which this language become hidden language.