“Will make Gilgit-Baltistan provisional constitutional province of Pakistan”, PTI announces manifesto

Gilgit, March 28: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf today announced its manifesto for the upcoming elections in Gilgit-Baltistan. The manifesto attempts to address several important questions related to the future of Gilgit-Baltistan, while also promising social and institutional reforms in the region.
While expressing support for ultimate integration of the Gilgit-Baltsitan region, the manifesto says that PTI aims to abolish the Gilgit-Baltistan Council and upgrade the status of the Gilgit-Baltsitan Legislative Assembly (GBLA). The GBLA will be renamed Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly and its powers will be enhanced. The region will be made a provisional province of Pakistan.
Other targets PTI has set for itself are;
- Empower and decentralize institutions of governance and economic management to local people, and restore political, economic, religious and cultural rights and freedoms of people
- Reform and establish a modern and equitable social sector, including the provision and promotion of high quality services in health, education, sanitation, as well as wellbeing and social protection of the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the society
- Develop and sustainably manage natural resources of the region, giving highest priority to private sector-led development, promoting clean industries, creating jobs and ensuring local ownership of economic assets and participation in investment opportunities
- Encourage a merit based system that provides equal opportunity for employment and upward social mobility for all, especially the working classes, youth and women
- Ensure an accountable and responsible system of governance, law and order and promote regional peace and reconciliation
These announcements were made by PTI leader Hashmatullah Khan, Izhar Hunzai and Farooq Ahmad at a press conference in Gilgit today.
They also expressed concerns over what they called plans for massive rigging in the Gilgit-Baltistan region. They said that any efforts to hijack the mandate of the people will be resisted with full force.
The complete manifesto can be downloaded at GBVOTES.PK , a website dedicated to the elections in Gilgit-Baltistan.
What about Royality on Indus River and NFC award
What is the definition of a “Provisional Province:?? Will it have representation in the national assembly of Pakistan? They should know that a legislative assembly has more powers than an ordinary assembly to decide about the crucial issues like constitutional status and administrative framework.
This manifesto seems to be a complex of ambiguous terminologies. All political parties will come forward with almost the same manifesto to lure people, No concrete steps and strategy have been given to achieve these targets.