Italian govt to invest in hdro power projects in Gilgit-Baltistan

Islamabad: Dr. Domenico Bruzzone Director Development Cooperation, Embassy of Italy led delegation met with the Chief Secretary Gilgit-Baltistan Mr. Tahir Hussain. CS GB welcomed the delegation from the Italian Embassy to Gilgit-Baltistan. He appreciated the contribution of Italian Govt and people for support in Gilgit-Baltistan in various sectors.
Dr. Domenico Bruzzone highlighted areas of potential collaborations and future interventions. He expressed the desire of Italian Cooperation; Govt of Itlay in the hydro projects in GB as the areas has the immense potential to produce hydro energy through construction of small dams. He also briefed the Chief Secretary about the contribution of Italian Govt in the IFAD project whereby Italian Govt is considering to give 25 million Euros for the agricultural development and other sectors in GB.
Chief Secretary said that he would expedite the process of submitting proposals to Italian cooperation for the investment in the hydro projects through Economic Affairs Division. He said that energy shortfall has been one of the major challenges in the region and the govt is looking for the international funding to overcome it. With regard to IFAD project, CS thanked the Italian Govt for the financial support. He said that the govt would really appreciate in the small enterprises for youth including livestock and dairy farming. He termed Education sector to be one of the most critical areas for the interventions to provide education in remote parts of GB.
It was agreed to work closely with the secretary planning GB to develop some projects and to proceed with the work.
Other members in the delegations included Mr. Luca Ferozzi, Co-Director PIDSA (Pakistan Italian Debt for SWAP Agreement, Mr. Maria Saccarello, Mr. Riaz ul Hassan Resident Representative EvK2CNR Pakistan, Mr. Arif Hussain Technical Representative EvK2CNR and Mr. Asher Francis. Secretary Planning and Secretary Finance GB were also present in the meeting. PR