4 days workshop on Bio Briquetting Technology started

By: Gul Hamaad Farooqi
Chitral, October 18: A Four-days training workshop for 15 students of Gilgit Baltistan started at Creative Approach for Development (CAD) office Chitral on Bio Briquetting as a substitute fuel. People of Gilgit, Baltistan and Chitral depend heavily on firewood for cooking and heating. As a result the pace of deforestation has increased considerably in the region, as the population expands.
To overcome this situation CAD started training workshops for people of Chitral and Gilgit Baltistan, by introducing the new technology of Bio Briquetting which uses wasted material. These series of training have been kicked under Prime Minister youth Skill Development Program.
In Bio briquetting technology first of all they prepare charcoal from waste things. Charcoal is a carbonaceous material obtained by burning of wood leaves grass wheat and maize straws etc in the absence of air. we can convert all the loose bio mass into energy by preparing charcoal bio briquette. By adapting this technology we can control de-forestation .dependency and load on forest can be decreased by this technology. Causes of floods can also be minimized.
Creative Approaches for Development (CAD) is a highly professional and well renowned organization working for the community development in district Chitral. It mainly works with marginalized communities of the district who are striving for the justice and dignity by putting forward the demands of equitable share in resources and life development opportunities. Environmental justice and the use of indigenous resources, community empowerment, civic education, social infrastructure development, capacity building and equal access to resources are few of the themes covered in every program activity of CAD. Jurisdiction of CAD is KPK, focusing on Chitral district for capacity building of man-power through mobilization process and infrastructure development in coordination with local community, government departments and Non-Government Organizations. Direct delivery of service is not the aim of the organization rather it works to mobilize and motivate deprived and disadvantaged segment of society so that they can solve their problems through self-help basis by using their own potential and living in their own culture. The organization achieves the objectives of long term sustainability by building upon the strategy of promoting community leadership in all of its program activities.