Girls secure top marks in AKU-EB’s Annual SSC/HSSC Examination Results

KARACHI: (PR) The Aga Khan University Examination Board (AKU-EB) is pleased to announce the results of its annual Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) examinations for 2018, with the top three overall positions for both sets of examinations having been secured by female students.
The overall pass rate for SSC students is 95.1%, with 73.8% of students scoring a B grade or higher.
Maya Ahmed, Maryam Siddiqa Girls Higher Secondary School, Punjab obtained first position overall for SSC examinations, with an impressive 1033 out of 1100 (94.27%) marks.
“This is a day of great joy and exultation for me,” said. “I would like to thank my parents, my sister, school principal and my teachers for being so supportive, and am also extremely thankful to AKU-EB for making us realise the importance of ‘understanding’ and ‘learning’!”
In addition to her overall first position, Ms Ahmed also came second as part of the SSC Science Group High Achievers, obtaining a total of 436 out of 450 marks.
Yumna Khabir, P.E.C.H.S. Girls’ School, Karachi, came in second overall for SSC examinations with 1019 out of 1100 marks (92.64%), followed by Zehra Abbas, Al-Murtaza School, Karachi, who obtained 1010 out of 1100 marks (91.82%) and came in third overall.
Director, AKU-EB, Dr Shehzad Jeeva, extended his congratulations to all AKU-EB students. “As an indigenous board dedicated to uplifting national educational standards and offering quality assessment, the success of our students endorses our mission,” he said. “Our Matric and Intermediate qualifications reinstill confidence in Pakistan’s own education system.”
The overall pass rate for HSSC students is 95.5%, with 77.1% of students scoring a B grade or higher.
Maryam Ihsan, Nusrat Jahan College, Punjab obtained first position overall for HSSC examinations, scoring 1018 out of 1100 (92.55 %) marks.
“The prayers of my parents and the dedicated support of my school played a vital role in this success,” said Ms Ihsan. “As is befitting of my status as a Pre-Medical HSSC student, I aim to become a doctor one day and excel in the field of medicine.”
In addition to her overall position, Ms Ihsan also came in first as part of the HSSC Pre-Medical Group High Achievers, obtaining a total of 579 out of 600 marks.
Fareeha Hashmi and Alina Fatima, both students of Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Karachi, obtained 1013 and 1010 marks out of 1100, coming in at second and third position overall, respectively. Ms Fatima also came in third as part of the HSSC Pre-Medical Group High Achievers, obtaining a total of 570 out of 600 marks.
Mansoora Urooj, Principal, Nusrat Jahan College, Punjab, noted that AKU-EB had greatly influenced the methods of teaching employed at the school: “Education has been made comprehensive, and we have adopted better ways of learning thanks to AKU-EB. Both students and teachers perform brilliantly under this system!”
Associate Director, Assessment, AKU-EB, Dr Naveed Yousuf, noted that the examination results were a triumph in multiple aspects. “The sheer diversity of high scoring students across Pakistan exemplifies the standards students across the nation hold themselves to,” he said. “From the coasts of Karachi till the mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan, I can safely say that all of you have proven yourselves.”
Associate Director, Operations, AKU-EB, Mr Hanif Shariff shared that he was proud of the institution’s role in providing a fair platform for students to take their examinations in. “Each and every AKU-EB student receives the same opportunity and environment to take their exams in,” he noted. “Every effort is made to ensure that the process is transparent, and that the same standards apply across Pakistan.”
AKU-EB announced both overall and group-wise positions for its April/May 2018 examinations today, which can be viewed here: