Letter: A response to Shams Mir’s rants against PTI

Mr. Shams Mir, the Goebbels of the PMLN GB government, must learn his lessons very carefully and quickly from the fate that Mian Mohammad Nawaz and his daughter have met. The duo’s sheer arrogance and haughtiness led them to a miserable fate. The PMLN and its mudslinging leaders have been defeated in Supreme Court, JIT, and NAB court as well as in Awami Adalat by Pakistan Tehreek Insaf, backed by 169 million voters. The political heirs of dictator Zia have been finally made to bite the dust by the people of Pakistan.
The destiny of the PMLN government in GB will be at mercy of the incoming government of the PTI in the center. Therefore, its spokesman must watch out his tongue.
In principle, he should be following up on the key manifesto items of the PTI related to political and socio-economic empowerment of Gilgit-Baltistan.
Ali Taj
Social Media Head,
PTI GIlgit-Baltistan