Gilgit-Baltistan Youth Alliance demands ‘complete internal autonomy’

KARACHI: Karachi based students and professional from Gilgit-Baltistan condemned and rejected the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s recent verdict on the future of GB.
Members of the Gilgit-Baltistan Youth Alliance gathered in front of the Karachi Press Club to present their demands, and to express disdain for the court decision which, they said, protected oppressive governance and would keep the region’s populace unrepresented and disempowered.
The Gilgit-Baltistan Youth Alliance demanded complete internal autonomy for Gilgit-Baltistan through a resolution presented during the protest demonstration. They said that under UNCIP resolution Pakistan can legally only take responsibility for defense, currency and foreign affairs, while all the authorities and legislative powers should be transferred to an elected body capable of developing a constitution for the Gilgit-Baltistan region.
The Alliance further demanded an end to efforts aimed at ‘demographic change’ in the region in order to protect the locals’ resources and rights. They also demanded annulment of punishments given to political activists.
The Gilgit-Baltistan Youth Alliance also demanded an end to activities of federal (Pakistani) political parties in the region.
The Supreme Court’s verdict on Gilgit-Baltistan, which maintained that being a disputed territory the region’s status cannot be changed, has created widespread unrest among the people of Gilgit-Baltsitan, who are, in increasingly larger numbers, demanding an end to Pakistani rule in the region.
President of PPP for Gilgit-Baltsitan, Advocate Amjad Hussain recently demanded renegotiation of CPEC projects, Diamer-Bhasha Dam, and other mega projects, by including Gilgit-Baltistan as the ‘third party’ in all agreements.
Works Minister, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, who represents the ruling PMLN party, has said that he would march on Islamabad with tens of thousands of people if the Gilgit-Baltistan does not get its due rights.