AKAH organizes Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Response Challenge 2019

GILGIT: Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) Gilgit-Baltistan organized CERT Response Challenge 2019 at Karimabad/Altit Nallah on 31st August, 2019.
The aim of the CERT response Challenge was to test the level of preparedness, knowledge and skills needed to respond to local level disaster incidents. At the same time, it was also aimed to recognize the contribution of CERT volunteers to save lives of people afflicted in emergencies. CERTs are volunteer community-based teams established by AKAH at village level and prepared for emergency response.
CERT Gulmit, Altit/Karimabad and Nasirabad participated in the response Challenge 2019, involving a total of 48 CERT members. A jury of three judges consist of a representative of Rescue 1122, NDMA, and AKAH assessed performance of the CERT teams. All teams were given a disaster scenarios and they were asked to plan as a team and complete search, evacuate the victim, rescue, provide first aid services and transport the victim to a nearby health facility by using an ambulance. All three CERT performed. The Nasirabad/Shinaki CERT stood 1st, Gulmit CERT stood 2nd while Altit/Karimabad scored 3rd position.

Earlier, Mr. Nawab Ali Khan, CEO AKAH Pakistan, welcomed honorable guests and shared objectives of the event. Director General, GBDMA formally declared CERT response challenge open.
Mr. Fareed Ahmed, Director General, GBDMA was the Chief Guest of the event. Col. Retd Imtiaz ul Haq, President Regional Council Hunza, Mr. Sadam, Incharge Rescue 1122 Hunza District, Mr. Zikaria Ahmed, President Al-Khidmat foundation, Mr. Shehzad AD, DDMA Hunza also participated.
In the closing ceremony chief guest Mr. Fareed Ahmed, endowed Awards in 1st, 2nd and 3rd position holders while other honorable guest also distributed certificates to all participating CERT members. Dr. Nazir Ahmed, RPM AKAH GB presented Memento Award to the DG, GBDMA for his support and coordination with AKAH activities.

Addressing the audience Director General of Gilgit-Baltistan Disaster Management Authority (GBDMA), Mr. Fareed Ahmed congratulated CERTs for their excellent performances. He lauded CERT members for contributing their time, knowledge and skills to help people affected by disasters. He expressed the hope to establish CERTs in all districts of GB and build their capacities by utilized knowledge and skills of CERTs of Hunza. He also appreciated AKAH for organizing the event.

Dr. Nazir Ahmad, RPM AKAH, extended his gratitude to chief guest, President Regional Council Hunza, representatives of Rescue 1122, GBDMA, media and community volunteers for their presence and support to achieve objective of the event.