Nationalist leader Safdar Ali dead after a ‘road accident’

GILGIT: Safdar Ali, a nationalist leader, has died after reportedly being ‘hit by a bike in Gilgit’.
The leader of the Balawaristan National Front (BNF) remained hospitalized for four days in Gilgit before succumbing to his injuries.
Safdar Ali was one of the prominent leaders of Balawaristan National Front. He was arrested on multiple occasions due to his activism. His name was also placed in the “Schedule 4” of the anti-terrorism watch list.
A reference to pay homage to the struggle of Safdar Ali will be held on Sunday 12 January 2020 at 2 PM at Gilgit Foodyard near Chinar Bagh Gilgit, according to a Facebook update posted by Sultan Madad of Balor Research Forum.