Lack of Higher Education Institutes in Gilgit-Baltistan

By Amir Khan Roshan
Education is a basic need of every society. A better educational system can accelerate the social, scientific, and technological development of a country. Similarly, human resource development of any country depends upon the quality and higher educational facilities. Higher education is having extremely importance in the development of a country and it is also a backbone of any society. It is recognized today as a capital investment and along with paramount importance for economic and social development of the country, higher education is comprehensive way and through this way students could boost up their country’s economic features, social developments and explorer their culture and disseminate their language as well.
The government has primary responsibilities and duties and it is basic rights of every citizen having institutional facilities. Unfortunately, the students of Gilgit Baltistan are facing this issue because there is sole KIU (Karakorum International University) and four tiny sub campuses around Gilgit Baltistan. Due to this issue the denizen students after completed intermediate the lower and middle families are not able to send their children towards private institutes, especially the lower familie’s student are facing this issue too.
Education has become the blood of life without education man cannot survive lives in better ways. likewise, nowadays education has become the foremost important no body can live conscious life. Therefore, the literacy rate of education is rapidly accelerating all over the world. Anyway literacy rate over in Pakistan remains static at 58 percent the literacy rate of males are 70 percent and 48 percent of them are females. It means our Literacy rate is still very low and approximately half of the country is illiterate.
Due to low literacy rate our illiterate people can contribute very little in the economic and social development of the country. Because, the major contributions in those areas are made through education. Let suppose, there are many areas in Pakistan where students are facing problems in pursuing higher education. Gilgit-Baltistan is one of them. I am proud of the fact that in spite of the educational deprivations, inhabitant people are “jack of all trades” and as well as students having extraordinary and genuine talent. Moreover, to polish these young talents from Gilgit-Baltistan the central government should take initiatives and build various institutions which could meet the abilities of the students in their door step and it could fulfill the deprivations of lower class students.
Nevertheless, the literacy rate of Gilgit Baltistan is approximately touching 72 percents as well as highest literacy rate in Pakistan. Despite of having lack of higher institutes the lower family’s students cannot secure their education, because they are having scarcity and limited sources.That’s why, they are not able to go in different areas of Pakistan and carry on their education. Furthermore, It is not only the sole barrier in the way of these students there are many more issues that have obstructed students and most of them specially from lower and middle class can not meet with the ability, they are having it is because of few seats and subjects being offered by the main Campus as well as sub Campuses. The most vital issue the students face there is about digital life they are unplug from the remaining world. Literally, education is a process that needs to be updated with the passage of time and it is important for every students to be connected with social media and digital world , but this facilities is not available over there.
In addition, every year hundreds of students have to visit different cities of Pakistan for getting higher education in different fields, foremost reason there is no facility or less facilities in the region. Therefore, the students have to move to others cities along with limited Quota seats for Gilgit Baltistan in educational institutions and to bear heavy amount of fees. Obviously, this heavy amount the poor students cannot effort. Let suppose, there are one or two seats reserved between FATA and Gilgit Baltisttan in Quaid- e-Azam University Islamabad and many other universities, there are a few seats reserved for the Gigit Baltistan students. It means the lower families are not able to give education their children, they have become entirely hapless and helpless.
Let me talk about the facilities of higher educational institutes in the other provinces and cites are available more than Gilgit Baltistan. Such as, there are more than ten universities consisted medical and engineering institutes in Azad Kashmir and the current population of Azad Kashmir is only 4,045,364 and there are many other universities around different and tribal areas in Pakistan.
But, if we will see the population of Gilgit Baltistan, the current population is touching 22 lacks and consisted of ten districts. Unluckily, there are many students having incomplete educational degrees are sitting in their home because they have to no other chance and they cannot go and take admission different areas in Pakistan. Along with ,there is still no any medical and engineer institutes.
Consequence, of this page our local people are fully hopeful of the PTI government that as early as the concerned authorities will meet the deprivation of the past and the students are also entirely optamistic from the Ruling Party that they would fillfil the basic needs of the students.
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