Abdul Rahman Bukhari
GILGIT: Commissioner Gilgit Division Usman Ahmed on Monday said that people arriving from China, will have to present health certificates before being allowed to enter Pakistan.
Ahmed cautioned that no one will be allowed to enter without a certificate.
Furthermore, a special health desk to be jointly established by the federal health ministry and Gilgit-Baltistan health division at Sost.
Chinese, as well as Pakistani, nationals coming from China will have to undergo screening at the established health desk.
Ahmed said that border crossing was being opened to let 186 containers – belonging to Pakistani traders, cross into the country.
The border will remain open from 2nd February to 8th February.
According to reports, as many as 30 students from GB were also present in China’s Wuan district, the epicenter of the deadly virus.
Meanwhile, five ‘confirmed’ cases of Coronaviruses have been reported in Xinjiang Autonomous region of China.
Xinjiang shares borders with the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan.
Locals fear that opening the border at this time can be disastrous, in view of the spread of the Coronaviruses.
Many locals believe that Gilgit-Baltsitan region lacks basic health facilities, and the border administration is not equipped to screen and treat people, if they get affected.
There is no need to reopen the border at this stage. World’s number one country has lock down its cities due to this virus. This will be totally bullish and disastrous to GB. As in Sost there is not a single Doctor to facilitate the locals. Now when the effected people come from China then nobody will be safe.
Traders are saying that virus will not enter to the Pakistan through this border…………..
Right now temp is less than -25 in sost so it is requested to GB government to revert back the notification of reopening.