Five Companies of Pakistan Army requisitioned to maintain law and order in Gilgit and Chilas

GILGIT: The government of Gilgit-Batlistan has requisitioned two companies of Pakistan Army to maintain law and order situation in Gilgit and Chilas.
According to a letter written to the Interior Ministry, the GB administration has requisitioned 480 troops (300 in Gilgit and 180 in Cihlas).
Pakistan Army’s troops will stand-by as third-tier security layer, to aid the administration. They have been requisitioned for a period spanning November 18 to 23, 2020.
Protest demonstrations have erupted in Gilgit due to controversies created by allegations of rigging. In Gilgit city, PPP’s Jamil Ahmad and PTI’s Fateh Ullah Khan, are facing off, while their supporters are on the streets.
Rigging allegations have also surfaced in Chilas, where supporters of different candidates have started protests.