Flashflood killed 7 people in Sherqila, confirms Commissioner Mir Waqar

GHIZER: Commissioner Gilgit Division Mir Waqar has confirmed that yesterday’s flashflood killed seven people in Sherqila village of District Ghizer, in Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan.
He confirmed the number of casualties during a visit of the disater hit area. Over 250 households were affected by the flood, majority forced to take shelter in safer areas.
Bodies of 5 of the deceased have been recovered, including that of an infant child.
The deceased were identified as Gul Shaar w/o Noosher (50), Gulshan D/o Noosher (22), Yasmin w/o Shen Shah (25) and Hakeema w/o Ali Dad, 30, all women.
Two children, Habiba D/o Shen Shah (2) ad Momirah D/o Bagi (2) were reported missing after the flood yesterday. One of the bodies of the children was recovered. Search for the remaining bodies is a priority, the Commissioner told media.
The flooded stream’s direction reportedly changed towards the settlement after a huge boulder blocked the flow fo the water.
Houses, hydro-power stations, orchards, trees, fields and other infrastructure was destroyed by the raging flood water. No official information about the losses is available, as assessment of the damages is underway, said the Commissioner.