Machinery mobilized to start construction of 40km long Shahrah-e-Nagar
45ft wide road will be completed in 3 years, costing 4bn rupees

Construction of Shahrah-e-Nagar, a strategic road passing through upper reaches of Nagar district, has started. Conractor, NLC, has mobilized machinery to the region to commence the construction work.
Costing around 4bn rupees, the road will start at Pisan (Minapin) and end at Hoper, said a press statement issued by the GB govt.
The 45ft wide road and 40 kilometers long road will have four bridges. The road will also function as an alternate to the Karakoram Highway.
Shahrah-e-Nagar, while providing better connectivity between different villages of the Nagar, will also boost tourism and other economic activities in the district.
Federal secretary for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltsitan, Babar Hayat Tarrar, visited the project site yesterday and was briefed about the project.