
Kaira unmoved by popular demand in Hunza

By Noor

 Karachi, September 16: The newly appointed governor of Gilgit – Baltistan, Qamar Zaman Kaira, is unmoved by the popular demand of the people of Hunza for an additional seat in the Gilgit – Baltistan Legislative Assembly. “New constituencies are not being discussed”, he informed the media in a press conference after taking oath as interim governor of the region. Delimitation of new constituencies would delay the elections, which he said would be held in mid November, later this year. 

According to sources the All Hunza Action Committee (AHAC) has announced to hold a rally at Nasirabad (Shinaki), on 18th September, to mobilize support for the planned long march to Gilgit city. Such small scale rallies would also be held in other parts of Hunza valley, including Kanjud and Gojal, according to information passed to Pamir Times. 

Residents of Hunza valley living in other parts of the country are also finalizing their protest demonstrations against the refusal of government to create a new GBLA constituency in their region. 

AHAC had threatened the government in a press conference that if the demand for additional seat was not accepted a civil disobedience movement would be launched in the region. They had also threatened to restore the state of Hunza which was abolished by Bhutto in 1974.

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One Comment

  1. Government’s action is obviously unfair and it arouse a sentiment of hate in the people of Hunza / Gojal for PPP, Government. PPP does have a very good vote bank in the region, and there is a possibility that government’s decision could harm PPP in the region. from my sources it is known that after eid there is going to be protest in Ghizer against government for depriving them of their rights. if these forces of protest do converge, it will off course be an alarming situation for Administration in Gilgit Baltistan.
    The point that i want to make here is that what if government announces to allocate the contituencies??? In this regard it is very necessary for us to be proactive and all the issues related to new constituencies must be discussed before hand by the stake holders. It is very necessary because homework must be done from the stake holders, otherwise if government announces the contituencies and ask for consensus of the regional people, it will be difficult. there are many voices raised about the extra seat in Hunza / Gojal, they all must be same before any announcement…

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