Light of Hope!

“In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” – US President Harry Truman
Our societies are mirrors of the leaders who built them!
Nations are recognized or assessed by the accomplishments of their citizens. The first leaders in our lives are our fathers. Under their careful eyes, we learn to battle out our first fights. In retrospect, I see that raising a family and serving as a leader are both challenging jobs.

My father, renowned educational leader of Gilgit-Baltistan (Retired Deputy Director- Education, Mr. Imam Yar Baig) served in various educational leadership capacities in Gilgit-Baltistan for more than 35 years, as a Mentor, Teacher, Principal, Deputy Director, and Director. He had retired in 2012 but continued to fight, for over 14 years, to get his due right, i.e. 20th grade!
His persistence paid off and he got his rights after a long legal battle!
I know how difficult it was for our father to spend his days and nights pursuing his case of grade-20. On 02-06-2023 we are grateful that our father won his case and got his rights as a grade 20 officer.
Certainly, an educational leader’s involvement and contributions in the community has a ripple effect, positively impacting not only their families but also the larger society. His/her presence, engagement, and commitment to his society also create stronger, healthier, and more vibrant communities. Besides all, as a beacon of hope in the community, you encountered extraordinary barriers and uncertainties that required you to adapt and respond wisely and collaboratively without compromising your vision, values, and goals. The key lesson learnt from the experiences of my father’s this professional journey is:
“First deserve, then desire. Before we can demand anything, we must first develop the capability. Similarly, to enjoy some privileges, we must first perform our obligations. Those seeking authority must also be prepared to accept responsibilities”.
Dear Father! Thank you for your honesty in your services. Thank you for your best educational and social practices for not only promoting education, well-being, and resilience but also educating and empowering thousands of students, youth, and communities who are now leading at different leadership forums by sharing your personal anecdotes or life lessons, contributions, dedication, and sacrifices to impart knowledge of wisdom. Also, thank you for offering fatherhood, valuable guidance, supervision, love, care, and support resulting in your sons and daughters navigating various stages of life. Your efforts exemplify what it means to truly be the change that you wish to see in your communities. Thank you so much for your selfless leadership.
In the end, on behalf of the family, we extend our heartfelt gratitude and profound appreciation to all those supporting hands of Gilgit-Baltistan for your support, wishes, hopes, efforts, appreciation, and time to make this victory possible today.