
Ten young social entrepreneaurs of Pakistan get Paragon Fellowship

Press Release
Hong Kong, November 10: Ten young entrepreneurs from Pakistan have been selected out of 560 nomination from the region to join the annual Paragon fellowship (previously Asia Pacific Future 100) 2009.

Included in the list of fellows are Gulalai Ismail (Aware Girls), Khalida Brohi (Youth and Gender Development Program), Jamil Anwer (Cultural Classics), Naveed Ahmed (, Noor Muhammad (Pamir Times & Pamir Media Services), Raheel Waqar (White Rice Communications), Rana Bilal Ahmed (Youth Alliance for Human Rights), Shamila Kiyani (Jharoka), Yasir Hussain (Alrug) and Zeeshan Shoki (PAK Education Society).

The Foundation for Youth Social Entrepreneurship (FYSE) announced today 100 inspiring young entrepreneurs and social Changemakers from 10 countries in Asia Pacific that have beenselected for the annual Paragon fellowship, a Paragon being a model of excellence for others to aspire towards.

As many countries struggle to create enough jobs for young people, youth entrepreneurship has emerged as an attractive alternative to widespread unemployment, as it integrates unemployed youth into the labor market and tackles poverty through the creation of jobs.

In order to support young entrepreneurs who have dared to stride out, FYSE selects 100 young entrepreneurs and social Changemakers annually for a one-year fellowship in which they benefit from regional networking, leadership development, mentorship from an extensive network of professionals and entrepreneurs, capacity building and access to finance. To inspire more young people FYSE will profile Paragon fellows widely through an extensive network of more than 50 partners in Asia Pacific and multiple online channels as positive role models in order to inspire more young people to consider entrepreneurship as a career choice. The website will not only provide young people with inspirational role models, but also provide them with information on how to take the next step towards turning their ideas into reality.

“We need to provide more young successful entrepreneurs as positive role models to our youth in order to inspire them to take actions. Many young people in Asia Pacific dream of being an entrepreneur, but they hesitate to take action because they don’t know any young entrepreneurs who have already succeeded in doing so. The Paragon fellowship aims to change that”, says Ms Andrea Krause, Executive Director of FYSE.

“While in Europe and the US young social Changemakers and entrepreneurs are celebrated in the media and society, we need to move forward in Asia to celebrate and support our young entrepreneurs, as they can play a tremendous role in creating jobs and in contributing significantly to the economic and social development of our countries.”

This year fellows represent 10 countries including India, Indonesia, China, Pakistan, Nepal and Singapore and an astonishing 65 percent off the fellows started social ventures or NGOs. As more and more young people want to use their education to make a difference in their society, starting a social venture or NGO enables them to tackle challenges they are passionate about with a business mind.  “I am an entrepreneur because I saw a social need that had to be addressed immediately and I felt that I could adequately address it by taking it up institutionally”, says IndianPiyush Tewari founder of the Save Life Foundation.

Ejaj Ahmad, founder of the Bangladesh Youth Leadership Centre agrees, “I am an entrepreneur because I wanted to change my society and for me social entrepreneurship provided the perfect platform.”
For more Information visit:

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  1. pAMIR tIMES fLIES hIGHER aND …………… hIGHER………………………

    WONDERFUL nOOR ,,,,,,,,,,,,,pROUD oF tHEE

  2. congatulations noor! keep going…………….. May Moula be with you in every step of your life. Ameen

  3. hay noor bhai ….the akhss…ins except something 4m u…….
    plz support the gojalian students in akhss…they r not like that they were b4…there talent is being killed by some hidden factors…plz help us …as our senior bro…..

  4. Ɣafč ɣafč muborak Nur Mohmmamad,

    yem tinen ɣafč lup aizoz, “Yarkeṣ̌ yarker, yark δisuvd” yem misl durz x̌e her qadam kaṭ, kee it up. ṣ̌a baṣ̌

  5. Great news, gr8 work!

    Keep it up.

    Do continue to guide the youth on the road to entrepreneurship, as this is the promising way for the youth.

  6. While the elections are underway, political vultures in the garb of leaders are trying to make their inroads as if their angelic cause would radically change the society of G-B in favour of poor and disadvantaged. Leaders have been seen changing their ideological loyalities quite frequently. A PPP candidate from Hunza withdrew in favour of MQM leader, an independent candidate in Oshikhadas withrew in favour of PPP so on and so forth. Does ideology matters or it is a personality driven political excercise. Some of the local nationalists who advocated a different agenda were immediately arrested and transfere to a prison in Rawalpindi. While local leadership is being suppressed MQM is making most of this political vaccum. Being an ethnic and Nazi style fascist political party MQM has changed its tone from calling people of G-B khan Sab-a derogatory term to ghayur awam is quite an uncanny turn.
    We should not forget the fundamental issues that are being pushed aside in a fit of electionaring—the issues of constitutional rights and giving real internal autonomy to the people of G-B.
    Let us say nay to federalists, fascists and strive to build an organic political movement and it is time to show these lotas that we are people with wisdom and political vision.

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