Gilgit - Baltistan

Ali Rehmat joins UNMIT

Hunza, May 26: Ali Rehmat Musofir has joined the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste on Friday as UNV GIS Officer . He is an active volunteer of and Pamir Times. 

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  1. From Musofir to Musofir:On behalf of FAbeg Musofir, heartiest congratutulations Ali Rehmat Musofir. Excellent, bravo!!!

  2. Hey dear mor mor Biyade pe zulfanoo ki…..grt job man…grt job…don’t forget Hostel 2 Peshawar uni….hahahha…. must say congratulations……Hafhaf…remember…

  3. Dear Ali Rehmat,

    Congrautulations to you and all you family members, We also pray to Sarcar MHI for your material and spritual success in life.


    Shah Zaman

  4. great job mrs ali cong to you and your team for this volunteer trip to timor with un good keep it up.

  5. Yey mormorr, aokhir koor khoo manzileth goth.. chomer loop dai yeth beki fithay ya room # 172 neyozneth fithk…Ya GIS fees tharr HoloLL….

    accept deep hearted Congratulation from both of us.


  6. Dear Rehmat bhai!

    Congrates on joining the United Nations Integrated Mission. Indeed it would be the dream of many but few get the chance of fulfilling it and you are among the few. I wish you the best of luck and keep going on with all your efforts as you always do.

    we are proud of you

    take care


  7. many congratulations to join the UN mission and best of luck for the new task

    Now Rose

  8. Congratulations, Ali Rahmat. I wish you success and in your future endavours

    Sher Karim

  9. Heartiest Congratulations on joining the United Nations Integrated Mission. Keep it up and do your best.

  10. Hey Musafir
    Acha safir hai Mmormor….. keeping on your safar…… Ann corgratulations and gud wishes

  11. Congrats Remat of the new Assignment, Wish u success and cheerful engagement with ur team.——————


  12. Well done Iqbal Jamil PTV News Karachi…………

    Best of Luck for your new assignment.


  13. Thats great news. Congratulations and best of luck for your future endeavors.

    Sultan Ahmed

  14. Dear Rehmat

    Congrautlations for joining the the United Nations Integrated Mission. We are proud of you and hope that this will be a golden opportunity for determining and fulfilling your life’s mission.


  15. Congratulation dear rehmat for the great achivment. Your president will always to see you up on the sky.

    Best of Luck
    Ashraf Karim

  16. Dear Ramath,

    Your persistent hard work, enthusiasm for new skills and continuous professional development has enabled you to acquire this role. This achievement is a source of pride for our area and encouragement for our youth. Bravo, keep the flag flying.

  17. Dear brother,
    I have heard alot about your experties in GIS and that is all you have acquired from your diligent work.We are proud of such enthusiatic and hardworking brothers.Keep going as many good opportunities are waiting your way.
    Aslam Ghalib

  18. Rehmat,

    Congratulations for this new mission. It is your hard work, dedication and sincerity to give you this opportunity. Keep going…..


  19. Dear A R Musofir

    Congratulation; we the wakhis in the US wish you all the best.

    Rahmat Karim

  20. Thanks alot for you all for your compliments, apreciation and love always courage me to work hard in a chalanging environment. many many greeting to all of you from the East Timor with Dishtov.

  21. wel done man !!!!!!! we really proude of “YOU” for getting such aportunity.WISH U BEST OF LUCK.

  22. Dear Khizerz

    Heart felt Congratulations for the new assigned task,i am deeply pleased to read the newz. I wish and Pray for the accomplishement of the alloted task with great joy,happiness and success……
    best of luck

  23. Dear Rehmat
    Great! congratulation on behalf of me and my borthers sakhi, aziz and sami. a wonderful job, keep it up. As a professional of your field I think you deserve that kind of assignment.
    Congratulation for Sisonic mardum as well.

    Best wishes.


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