Zarabad an Alluvial fan
- zarabad-alluvial-fan
by Ali Rehmat Musofer
Alluvial fans are fan-shaped deposits of water-transported material (alluvium). They typically form at the base of topographic features where there is a marked break in slope. Consequently, alluvial fans tend to be coarse-grained, especially at their mouths. At their edges, however, they can be relatively fine-grained. When two or more Alluvial fans merge with each other are called piedmont plain plan, e.i. Zarabad and Khuramabad.
Zarabod is located to the east of Hussaini at the eastern-bank of Hunza River. It is an alluvial fan, formed by Zarabod-Khuramobod stream. It also has a gentle slope. It starts from the eastern bank of Hunza River and goes up slowly and gradually and reaches at the foot of Prigoz glacier, which is locally called as “Zwor”. The stream has naturally separated Zarabod from Khuramobod (Passu).
Chramn is the old settlement of Zarabod, where inhabitants of Hussaini live together in a local house. From this place they used to go their fields to work.
Zarabod has the following areas with different local names, Shah Khunzo, Qash Sar, Ben, Chramn, Put Dasht, Yinaghn, Hussneben, and Dasht.
Zarabod has no jeep-able road, and it has connected with Hussaini through a suspension bridge (635 feet) called “Duet”, constructed in 1970. Both Zarabod and Suspension Bridge are too attractive in tourism perspective.