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Pictory X: The Blacks of America & The power of democracy



by Noor

Not everyone went to America by choice. From the begining of the sixteenth century and right into the middle of the nineteenth century human beings were brought from Africa to work for their masters, not as servants, but slaves, by the slave traders. The slave trade dwindled, gradually, but the ‘blacks’ – African Americans, as they were later christened, remained to be treated like ‘slaves’ – an inferior race. It was because of the resistence to such inhumane treatment that a leader like Martin Luther King, Junior, was born. Martin gave a new thought to the people of the United States. His struggle has yielded, it seems, finally. A black man – an African American, has been elected to be the supreme commander of the United States of America by most of the American people ” … rich, poor, white, black, Spanish, Asian, Gay, Straight …”, to quote Obama. This, indeed, is a historic moment not only for USA but for humanity as well.

Is this a menifestation of the power of “US democracy”? 

Let’s discuss.

Read my comment on BBC’s Website

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  1. Dear Noor
    You have very rightly stated a tremondous shift the democratic the History of US by Chossing Obama as the President the most powerfull person of the World. Yes indeed it is but it is not the first in the past the black americans have played their active role in the development of the America by making marks in politics, army, civil services and bussiness. In my opinion it is all because of the strong institutions. But in the particular case of developing countries the institutions always remain week as compare to the personalities. This practice has set a trend of access to powers for specific people and class. This indeed is a question for all of us that how we could contribute to strengthen the institutions instead of personalities

  2. Dear All,

    The victory of the slogan of American youth “We need Change” provides a live lesson for the youth of Hunza and other parts of the world. Now it is up to us how we can translate such lessons in our own context.

    The youth in todays world is the most effective force to bring change. Our youth for different reasons are still not in this position …..however, this is the righ time to think on.

    Congratulations to the American Youth

    Zulfiqar Ali Khan

  3. Dear Noor

    Thanks for the excellent piece on this historic day. Your views are most relevant, candid, thoughtful and pertinent to the occasion – well-done, God Speed.

    In my humble opinion two complexes stand broken today – superiority complex of the white and powerful; inferiority complex of the non-white and the downtrodden.

    The implications of this change are going to be awesome positive on human thinking and bevaiour across the globe.

    It indeed is a step forward in the right direction and redemption of the democratic promise

    Let’s be positive!

  4. Dear Noor
    words that are spoken ,take time to become real. First words are spoken with passion of change but most of the time rejected, but when time teaches the societies what those words are they ecome culture and in the end the culture is transferred into some thing as we could call .
    The words of Martin Luther King, took many lives, to draw the picture of Obama.
    What I could thing of Obama as the a man that can help to built a better next generation USA that will not take part into any Vietnam, It will not be standing against any stats free and independences policy , It will not make any Iraq a ground zero, It will not smash and Afghanistan next time just on the bases of Intelligence services blind report. It will not always show its presences in any part of the world through its Nuclear Missiles. It will not make any more Proto-type of conceptual figure to (Osama Bin laden) use his desire or power on innocent people.
    What if, what if not. Well, will the US change its policy which it has been practicing for the last many decades, in just one Blacked or colored President?
    I should not see the change from the eyes of an American but from the eyes of Just a person who has his OWN EYES.
    Thanks Noor I hope the world where we live can see through his own.
    Nazeer Ali Khan

  5. Dear Noor,

    I think it is a historic moment and has come accross at a very crucial stage in the history of USA in particular and the whole world in general. I think this dire need of change was felt all over. Through the debates going on here in Canada, I can see number of people saying that this is the vicotry not only from democratic point of view but also from human rights point of view. It is being seen as a dramatic shift in the history of USA but actually this is just the beginning. As Obama himslef said, a lot has to be done in the days to come. So let us hope that things will get better with this change in leadership which actually counts alot when it comes to making crucial decisions ranging from matters related to local, regional, national and international affairs. Let us hope that this amazing man, who speakes with a lot of passion, may bring something positive for the world to observe in the days ahead.

    Sultan Ahmed
    Victoria, Canada

  6. …….who ever will b the president of America..even if a MOLVI from south waziristan z to be elected as the president, the FORIGEN POLICY will remain the same…THE PRESIDENT THERE IS JUST LIKE A STATUE,ONLY FUNCATION TO RATIFICATE THE WRITTEN SPEECH,written by the real rulars…
    …who r the real rulers have u ever bothered to 2 use ur common sense………..?

    coz in the house n senate jews r the most dominent who r ruling the western n north-south America..U will be astound n shocked that the economy of the western n American region r under the controll of an INTERNATIONAL ECONOMISTS..which comprises of two members including a FATHER N HIS SON..belonging to JEWISH background,whos z a resident of ENGLAND……all the international banks who r facing crises including fedral reserves bank,lehman brothers belong to jews..this economic crises z their blessings giving red signal to America n the whole World………

    request to noor further add n this aspect

  7. well some say the glass is half empty and some say half filled. i think the later is right. once the slaves are the ruler that is a fact but for me that is not a big chane. there is still another big change and that is the the ideological change expressed by Obama as ” there is no black and no white, there is only Aerican” changes come from minds and here it has come. it doesnt end here, Mcain congrates Obama and affirms his support to the new president. the president in response says” i will need your support”.
    we need such a change in our country and our area not a change of party of change of faces.
    but how that change will come??? let me think….. wait wait… not me rather let us think and then act.
    @li h@ili@n

  8. well some say the glass is half empty and some say half filled. i think the later is right. this positive change will be good for the world. once the slaves are the ruler that is a fact but for me that is not a big chane. there is still another big change and that is the the ideological change expressed by Obama as ” there is no black and no white, there is only Aerican” changes come from minds and here it has come. it doesnt end here, Mcain congrates Obama and affirms his support to the new president. the president in response says” i will need your support”.
    we need such a change in our country and our area not a change of party of change of faces.
    but how that change will come??? let me think….. wait wait… not me rather let us think and then act.
    @li h@ili@n

  9. Indeed change has come, democracy indeed has borne its fruits. The victory of Barack Obama is indeed a victory of democracy. This just proves that struggle bears its fruits no matter how long you have to wait for it? The struggle of one generation of blacks has borne fruits for next one. I would mention a black woman she is 106yrs olsd. During her youth she was not allowed to vote for two reasons; firstly, she was a woman and secondly, she was black but now the struggle indeed has borne fruit when she can not only vote but also can influence the result. American democracy indeed has come a long way let’s see how long it takes for us to elect a leader from the underprivilged class…….

  10. Well said, indeed it is a moment of joy for every one who was longing for such an hour to celebrate.
    lets be positive n wait for the days to come when this change of leadership would bring alote more for us in terms of peace and harmony at all fronts.

  11. @ Aziz Qurban and others

    All events can be looked at from two prospects. One is the ‘end’ prospect, the other the ‘mean’ prospect. The end is that a black guy will be sitting the ‘white’ house. Many people argue that this doesn’t mean the end of ‘race’ it means that Obama won through a sympathy vote, because of his color. So the results may very well be racist, even today!!

    If you talk of the end – Obama’s election as president, you are right. We must not expect a lot of difference in the US foreign policy. But you will also agree with me that the Democrats, to which Obama belongs, believe in the multipolarity of the world, i.e. they believe in the presence of other forces in the world. For them US are not the center of universe. If you have heard the speech by Obama he said “we are one of the many”.

    The Republicans, quite on the opposite, tend to be more ‘US’ centric. They consider the US as center of the universe and either negate the presence of other forces, or actively seek to detablilize them. For example Clinton, a democrate, fought no wars. Bush, the republican, is fighting three wars, and his father, Bush senior, also a republican, had fought a war too. So, the intensity of engagement is expected to be lesser because of multilateral, not unilateral, strategies. This will promise change, I hope.

    I am impressed by the mean through which Obama came in, irrespective of the end. He did not come on the stage because he is a Jew. He came on because the people voted him in. He represents the aspirations and hopes of the millions of his voters in the states. That’s the democratic process and I can’t see an alternative to that system, yet. At least they don’t say that “democracy is the best revenge”, like our ‘Mr. NRO Clean’ – Zardari. We shall respect the will of the people of US or any other coutnry. That’s a fundamental etho of democracy.

    Talking about the “Jewish Control” on the world financial resources: I have read a lot of stuff on the presence of the ‘invisble’ government in the United States of America. One of such books is “Governance through secret societies”. If you have read the novels Da Vinci Code and Deception Point, by Richard Dawkins, you are going to get similar views. And I am sure there are thousands of books written by many distinguished scholars from around the globe on this issue. They argue that such forces have been present in the US since the times of George Washington and remain organized in the form of secret societies, like Illuminati, Order of the Knight Templars etc.

    Many argue that CFR (Council on Foreign Relations – powerful foreign relations pressure group in the US) is one of such organizatoins. There are also views that corporate giants like Chevron, Unicol, Lehman Brothers, Merril Lynch, Shell, Caltex, Citi Group etc. are controlled by members of these secret societies. These business, they argue, belong to a few families belonging to the US and Europe, including the Rockefellers. They have a very powerful presence on the Wall Street, it is said. What these people seek is a ‘new world order’ – a world where only one force will govern and control the lives and resources of the world.

    I saw the limits of these ‘world order’ seeking forces – if any in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have not been able to subdue or subjugate a few thousand Afghan Fighters. We saw the limits of Israel in Lebonon, last year, while fighting with the gurilla fighters of Hiza –al – Mujahidin. If such an order is to be established, it will take more than a thousand years, I think. Specailly in the “Asian Era”, which lurked at the gates of Eurpe and US for some time, and is, now, fully exhibited throughout the world. Japan, China, India added by Brazil, Mexico and, of course, the resurgent Russia. If you look at the composition of the top ten richest men on Earth you will find a Japanese, a Maxican, anf, lo and behold, four Indian – K. P Singh (# 9), Anil Ambani (#6), Mukesh Ambani (#5) and Lakshmi Mittal (# 4). None of these four, at least, is a Jew. They control most of the world’s fortunes.

    Most of these arguments pertaining to the unmatchable financial worth of Jews is falling like a house of cards. These are nothing beyond conspiracy theories, in my opinion. And I don’t think the US President, like the Pakistani President, or like Mir Ghazanfar Ali Khan – the Chief Executive of NALA, is a rubber stamp, used by others on their own will

    These are just my opinions. The post is long because I have tried to reply to almost all 🙂

  12. A new window of hope has just opened for the youth of USA in particular and the rest in general.
    This is an astounding situation created after a historical event that took place in the USA.
    Being a preacher and believer of democracy,Obama would hopefully come up with some strong measures to eradicate the set policies of Mr Bush which are least appreciated around the globe.
    We the people of Pakistan are more optimistic about the role of Obama as a new and more effective trend setter.
    He has personally remained affiliated with the land of Pakistan and his better half ha perhaps also served the country as a very responsible human being.
    We congratulate the very honourable newly elected president of USA.
    Aslam Ghalib

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