E-Discussion: Transborder Cooperation and Networking in Mounatin Region.

Sustainable development in mountain regions requires a system oriented methodology which appreciates the inter-linkage between different resources, regional experiences and development policies as well as the utilization of international expertise and cross -border communication and exchange.
The communities living around High Mountain regions in Asia despite of having similar specificities are lacking mechanism for transborder cooperation and networking. These communities are mostly politically and socially marginalised and depending on policies and programmes developed in ignorance from the mountain specificities. The indigenous communities living around the region, in different countries, share similar social, cultural, ethnic and economic identities and interests. There however lacks political motivation and willingness to initiate efforts in order to address their issues in an integrated and coordinated ways.
The Alpine Europe has developed models in trans-border cooperation and partnership for the sustainable development of the mountain communities and regions. These models could serve as lessons for the sustainable development of the mountain communities living around Karakoram, Hindukush, Himalaya and Pamir (HKK) ranges.
These Alpine models were discussed during a workshop “Practices and Experiences in Alpine Europe; A model for regional development in Northern Mountain Regions” , conducted on December 17-18, in Gilgit, as a Transfer project of the InWEnt International Leadership Training programme. The workshop participants came with certain recommendations in order to initiate advocacy and lobbying for a broad-based networking and cooperation among the KHHP mountain communities.
Through the Pamir Times platform, the workshop organisers intends to discuss and refine these recommendations with the help of professionals and educated youth from mountain regions.
Click to read the workshop recommendations and enter your comment: Trans-border cooperation and networking.
Zulfiqar Ali Khan