Gilgit - BaltistanPakistanPolitics

A “suicide bomber from Gilgit – Baltistan”?

 The Islamabad Police have released information about the young shuicide bomber allegedly responsible for attacking the Naval Complex gate in the capital city.

The information leaflet released says that the suicide bomber seems to be hailing from the “Gilgit – Baltistan” region.

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  2. A very poor account given by the federal police, they think those who do not understand or speak Urdu, is fair in color is from Gilgit. It is really strange!

    People of Gilgit-Baltistan, who are not even given the right of representation and living like unwanted guests with Pakistan have been martyrs and even more patriotic to Pakistan then those who are regular citizen of Pakistan and have been doing all bad things to pakistan since the very first day of Pakistan.

    I think this is very irresponsible and misleading statement of giving this account of a suicide bomber and should apologize to the people of the region of martyrs.

    I am personally feeling so hurt to blame the peace loving people of Gilgit Baltistan in this inhumane act of violence.

  3. This is totally wrong irresponsible and misleading statement information of Police that the Sucider belonges to Gilgit Baltistan.We should need to Rise our Voice and Protest protest against this news. JAGO GILGIT BALTISTAN YOUTH…………..

  4. simply ……….. story create by the police actually there is a mind set about bombers and unfortunately their faces are similer to us.And officials should appoligise on this

  5. Just it shows that he was from GB… nat any prooooofff or any thing… only just on face relating… na thing more then that ….. really Shame for the Police……Oka if it is so… when will you people give the proof…In a special event like Pakistani do usually after every blast…

  6. this is completely nonsense, there are thousands of Pathans who can not speak or understand Urdu, they also resemble people of GB as well.

    I am confident enough that even the most illetrate from GB can understand and speak urdu..

  7. First the Government should apologize from GB People because the information which exposed by Police is showing the weakness ,poor and incomplete the base of fair color and not knowing Urdu.

    The First point the fair color people are also Pathans, Kashmirs and Afghans refugees in Islamabad. Pathans, Kashmirs and Afghans can’t speak Urdu refugees in Islamabad.

    The First thing all GB speak Urdu very well and the literacy rate is higher the rest of the country.

    The Government should apologize for the wrong information and respect the integrity of peaceful people of GB.
    The Government of GB should loud the voice against this action in his Assembly so in future as such not repeat again this mistake.

  8. The poor investigations of the law enforcing agencies has taken the hearts of the loyal and die hard real Pakistanis of Gilgit Baltistan.
    Yes we understand you can not digest our new official name as in the past you wanted to isolate us by calling us Northern Areas linking with the unrest areas of NWFP and now blaming us for the wicket activities.
    For God sake be responsible in what you say. Do not just throw base less statements, which ultimately earn nothing else but hate irritation and rest less situation..

  9. Terrorism is an international issue nd especially v Pakistanis r the ons who r getting hardest blow day by day..GB is safer comparatively rest of Pakistan in this regard.On the other hand v must not deny the possibility that Al-Qaida can have their safe haven even in GB..Our local Govt must a good knowledge of it nd if there r some, v need to uproot em up on the right time.Other wise these militants can launch gun nd bomb assults even in GB.Our local Govt must work on this issue very seriously.

  10. salam pakistan mujy yaqeen nae ata ki gilgit baltistan mai asai koi ho jo asa harkat karai wahan kai log bohat hi muhib e watan our taleem yafta hai to gvt ko chahiy ki is tarha kai ghalat ilzamat nahi lagai .gilgit baltistan kay log pakistan ka ley jan bhi danai sai daragh nahi karin gay pakistan zidabad

  11. This Is Totally a base less news we strongly condemn on this ….. statement , POLICE should investegate first and then release such news Police Must feel Shy on this statemnet Gilgit Baltistan is a Peacefull region , we are muslims our relegion teachs us that don’t kill inocnet peoples. but takes steps to protect other’s lives whether they are muslims or not, It is a Propeganda to destroy the peacefull atmospher of gilgit baltistan don’t ruin our emotions it can be harmfull.

  12. The dishonest act of getting rid of the responsiblities by the law enforcing agencies.I can proudly say that there is no single person available in the area of Gilgit Baltistan who has mindset of a suicide bomber. In the arena of terrorism, extremism this piece of the land, with blessing of Almighty Allah, is a crudle of peace and love; it could be called as the only peace heaven of Pakistan.
    May God keep my Gilgit Baltistan always peaceful. The bad intention of such people spreading rumour may become perished. Ammeen

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