“This is the right time for granting constitutional status to Gilgit – Baltistan”: Amjad Advocate

PT Report
Islamabad, January 25: The time is ripe for granting constitutional status to Gilgit – Baltistan region. PPP should nominate a candidate from GB for upcoming Senate elections.
These views have been expressed by member of GB Council and PPP leader, Amjad Hussain Advocate, in a letter addressed to President Asif Ali Zardari.
According to details Amjad Hussain, besides demanding representation for the region in Parliament, has also made recomandations for welfare of the people of Gilgit Baltistan.
He, reportedly, wrote that the people of Gilgit Baltsitan have been deprived of their basic consitutional rights for the last 63 years but now time has come to give constitutional status to Gilgit Baltistan.
“New set-up, under the Empowerment and Self-Governance Order2009, dose not meet the aspirations of the people”, he has reportedly written.
“Gilgit Baltistan should be made fifth province of Pakistan”, he suggested while maintaining that this step would not only end the deprivations of the people but also strengthen the country.
He has also sussgested that in the upcoming Senate election People’s Party should nominate candidate from Gilgit Baltistan.