Nawaz Sharif visiting Gilgit to meet families of the Gayari martyrs

Safdar Ali Safdar
Gilgit, September 4: PMLN Chief Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif will reach Gilgit tomorrow a one-day visit, party sources informed.
He will arrive along with his wife Kulsom Nawaz and other family members. He will be received by spokesman Sadiq-Al-Farooq and other senior members of his party at Gilgit Air Port at 10:00 am.
“Our chief will host a joint gathering of the prominent Ulema of all three sects and discuss the deteriorating law and order situation of Gilgit city”, said PMLN GB’s chief organizer Hafiz Hafeez-Ur-Rehman.
He said that Nawaz will later distribute cheques of Rs.500000 among families of 53 martyrs of Giyari incident. He said that 18 families have already been provided the money.
Responding to a question related to the laptops scheme, Hafeez said that 480 laptops have been distributed among students of GB who are enrolled in the educational institutions of Punjab. He said that educational institutions of GB were not part of the scheme.
We all appreciate and salute to all those leaders who work for the integration of GB people regardless of party point of view. Sharif Brothers have always shown sympethy in every hours of tubulance in Gb whether it is Geyari sector or Atta Abad disaster. Apart from this these brothers have practically worked for the students of GB regardless of colour, religion and party. These brothers have showed their great devotion with GB through these steps:
1. They doubled the professional seats in punjab.
In one year 40 GB students got opportunity to get admissions. In these three years 120 students were
covered for doctors.
2.The students of GB students were also provided Lap tops on meeting merit criteria. This also shows his devotion with Gb other wise they can ignore the GB students as well.
3.In fee the relaxation was given to GB students like punjab.
All these steps have made the sharif brothers more popular and favourite amongst the communities of GB. Their selfless services would be recalled for ever in the history of Gb like Zulfiqar ali bhutto whas madee free this region from FCNR and General pervaz Musharaf had spread the record net work of development and granted KIU for GB. We the community of GB as well as the members of civil socity would always recalls these heros in GB history.Imran khan has also good wishes for Gb community and envisions its betterment and development in future.
Sure, let Nawaz Sharif first explain his ties to the wahabi extremists of Saudia and Punjab. He should fire Rana Sanaullah first, then talk about inter-sectarian harmony.
This sectarrian hatred will not easily, its a deep rooted thing b it Nawaz sharif or else.