Decision on Hunza-Nagar headquarters to be announced soon: Mehdi Shah

Our Correspondent
Gilgit, January 31: GB Chief Minister, Syed Mehdi Shah, has said that a meeting of the elders of Hunza-Nagar will be convened shortly in which the final decision regarding the district headquarters will be made. He said that the decision will reflect the will of majority of the people.
Speaking to a delegation led by GBLA Speaker Wazir Baig, , the CM also said that projects related to public welfare should be finished on time and delays will not be tolerated.
He said that all out efforts will be made to reconstruct a water channel and road in the hazard prone Hussainabad-Mayun region.
Hunza and Nagar were former rival chiefdoms with a history of wars and feuds. The establishment of the district headquarters, a central has been lingering on for more than 3 years because of lack of consensus, fueled by historical mistrust and modern economic and political interests.
Majority members of a parliamentary committee, comprising of GBLA Speaker Wazir Baig, Technocrate Mutabiat Shah and Law Minister Wazir Shakil, had voted in favour of establishing the district headquarters at Saas Valley, upper Nagar.
However, MLA Muhammad Ali Akhtar, who is also GB’s finance minister and member of the parliamentary committed has been opposing the idea. He has suggested that instead of Saas Valley, the headquarters should be established in Chalt or Sikandarabad, in the lower Nagar area, which his his constituency also.
Some groups and forums from Hunza Valley have also opposed the idea of establishing the headquarters in Saas Valley, Nagar.
We the people of Hunza demand that we dont need a mixed district with Nagar, this District should hand over to Nagar and let them where they decide for H.Q..
Hunza should have a separate District instead of a mixed puzzled District with Nagar.
This is starting that both people of Hunza and Nagar are not agreed for a combine head quarter.
How they can run district matters togather?????
Agreed with Sher Ghazi This will be the ultimate choice of the people of Hunza and Nagar as they deserve two districts based on their population and geographic location as well historical conflicts.
Agree— we need a separate district for hunza that composed of (Lower, Central and Upper hunza) we don’t want to be a part of Nagar district.
Agreed with Mr. Ghazi seprate dist No mixed and merged
100% agreed with Sher Ghazi Sb. We donot want mixed district on those grounds.
1. Hunza contributes a major part of human resource and due to lack of meritocracy we are always being neglected.
2. Hunza has a tremendous source of tourism and due to this mix district our area is always projected a unrest zone that has mostly damaged our tourism industry.
3. We have three border linking China, Afghanistan and a huge opportunities of trade while the trade and jobs have been occupied by a particular group doing street politics and pressure groups.
4. Hunza is a place of peace loving people and must have our own identity no matter it takes time, we will wait and let the district HQ to be built in Nagar.
5. The literacy rate of Hunza is 95% while Nager is much lower.marginalizing our sub division will decline our education rate.
6. Hunza have a strong cultural linkage with China, Afghanistan and Badakhshan..We will not allow anyone to take the advantage for nothing.
Dear Sher Ghazi, I salute for your idea that Hunza is famous in the world for peace, respectof humanity through education.
I deman this new district should really hand over to Nagar to save our identity. Who the illetrate Mehdi Shah to decide fate of this district, every one know that Mehdi shah always protect of Balti people. He never ever act in favour of Gilgit, Ghizer or Diamer.
I dislike, and this is shame for us to have a incapable Balti CM will govern us.
The newly created Hunza-Nagar district should be created on administrative basis to facilitate people of both valley and better option could be shared headquarte in Aliabad and upper Nagar.The folks of both valleys should resist the divion based on sectarian ,ethnic or linguistic grounds.
Agree with you people that Hunza should be a new district. In this respect MLA Mr. Mutabiat Shah submitted a resolution for separate district of Hunza which was supported unanimously by the GB Legislative assembly.
What is funny matter in GBLA Legislative assembly is that non of Mehdi Shah’s pupet will be agree to support resoltion because they are like dectators in Party.
Dislike the Mixed District.
Dislike Mehdi shah 100%, Mehdi Shah your hand is red with blood of people of Attaabad affectees. Who the hell you are to interfair in our internal pronlems. Play Balti politics……….. We dont need you.