Middle Punial Youth Association and Rehnuma Pakistan conduct awareness session about AIDS and epidemic diseases

Abid Ali
Singul Punial, March 24: An awareness session about Aids, HIV, and Hepatitis B was organized in Singul, Punial on Sunday March 24, 2013 by Youth Resource Club, Singul, run by Middle Punial Youth Association (MPYA) in collaboration with Rahnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan.
More than fourty students and members of MPYPA attended the session from Gurunjar, Bubar, Gulmuti, Thingdas, Gitch, Singul, Japukay, Das Japukay and Goharabad villages of Middle Punial.
The session was addressed by senior volunteer Panhnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan and Scout Leader Babar Shah, Chairman Aga Khan Health Board for Punial/Ishkoman Jafar Hussain, Youth activist Noor Akbar and Muhammad Zakir Khan.
Students were briefed about the reasons and ways of spread of Aids, HIV and Hepatitis B. They were briefed about the precautionary measures and avoidance of these diseases. Tasks were given to students in groups to share their knowledge about Hepatitis, HIV, hepatitis, role of an individual and society. Students in groups came up with different ideas to aware society at large about how to live a healthy life and play a positive role in the society.
Addressing the session President MPYPA Noor Akbar said that His team is struggling to make the people aware about why and how to form a healthy society. He said that they are engaging youth in activities yielding positive results in form of mental, psychological and social development. The youth gets encouraged from such healthy activities and keep them on positive track by practically contributing to the society.
Many new members of MPYA and volunteers were registered on the occasion. The participating youth promised to play their positive role in giving awareness and making a well inform and responsible society in Punial and be an example to rest parts of GB and PAKISTAN.

Agreed, I have observed that our society has numerous social, economic, political and cultural issues that favor the negativity. A growing percentage of the population has been pushed to backward and unwilling attitude toward learning and listening to the elders and they do not have any alternate options but to retaliate through violent means. As a result, we have unrest and a deteriorating law and order situation that rejects the richness of pluralism, interfaith harmony and peace, and consequently slows down the process of development, suicides have been common due to not engaging youth different regions especially Punial of district Ghizer.