Gilgit-Baltistan govt proposes 24.59bn budget for next fiscal year

Our Correspondent
Gilgit, June 25: The Gilgit-Baltistan government presented its budget for the next fiscal year, with an outlay of 24.5billion rupees.
Presenting the budget Finance Minister, Muhammad Ali Akhtar, announced that the Gilgit-Baltistan government would spend 15 billion rupees to cover non-development expenditure.
Giving the breakdown of the development budget, he said that around 63 crore (62.9 million) rupees have been earmarked for Education and 42.3 Crore (423 million) for Health. Almost 62 Crore (616mn) rupees have been allocated for Housing and Physical Planning. Major chunk of the development budget will be spent on power generation (2.14bn). 4.4bn rupees have been allocated for distribution among the 7 districts of Gilgit-Baltistan, of which 1.11bn will be spent in Skardu, the CM’s home town.
The budget proposes an increase of 10% in salaries of the government employees.
The house also passed two resolutions, one condemning the massacre near Nanga Parbat and another congratulating the PM for taking oath of his office.
The budget is Considerable and quite enough if politician and bureaucrats would work with sincerity and honesty for the betterment of people of region. No Doubt 24.5 billion is a huge amount but can anybody tell me what is the main source of budget in GB, I don’t have knowledge about it. I will appreciate your reply in this regard. Thanks
We Hope for proper spending this Budget&hope it will take place as finance minister located.
The non development fund must be use for New purposed Administrative districts which is eminent For HUNZA&Nager.
Dear PT team my comment is still pending for display ???
Budget is enough if it has utilized…………….
I wonder if the budget has any provision for responding to community infrastructures of civil society organizations–VO/WOs?LSOs and others! The theme housing and physical planning sounds great but we don’t know the details under the theme. If this is for research on housing products or planning for new settlements that is great. But most of the time the money is being kept for construction of residence for government employees which in my view is not required. The GB government need to encourage private sector to take care of housing and government employees should get house rent.
Breakdown of budget will help understanding the priority areas of focus. Imagine 15 billion to cover the non-development components????
thanks to PT for showing district wise budget. showing budget by type of sectors will help in understanding the focus area. It is good to know 80% funds are kept for on going projects. That will help in early completion of the projects which is most needed. I wonder if the budget also reflects structural mitigation projects of natural disasters- focusing flood protection works! Allocation for irrigation facilities are also most important. GB government should also allocate budget for bright students higher- education outside Pakistan.