Gilgit - Baltistan
Younis Dagha appointed the new Chief Secretary of Gilgit-Baltistan

Qayyum Ali Shah
Islamabad: Younis Dagha has been appointed the new Chief Secretary of Gilgit-Baltistan. He replaces the outgoing Chief Secretary who was suspended on 23rd June by the interior minister after the massacre near the base camp of Nanga Parbat.
Mr. Daghar is currently working as Additional Finance Secretary in the federal government. In the past he has worked as Secretary Sindh Board Of Investment, Department of Mines and Mineral Development. He has also facilitated “the largest investment in mining and power sector in 2008/09 by proposing, structuring and handling the transaction for Joint Venture between GOS and Engro Ltd. (Sindh Engro Coal Mining Co.).
why not a local one is appointed?
We appreciate the government’s action to suspend the chief secretary from Gilgit Baltistan and the appointment of a new on his replacement. This is a good sign for taking serious the brutal killing of innocent people in Gilgit Baltistan. Particularly the killing of those innocent Shias who were belong to Shia sect by birth not by choice and same with the Sunnies. Why the previous government did not ask from the very responsible persons of Gilgit Baltistan when the innocent passengers were killed on KKH and Lollysar pass. That means the government itself was involved in that criminal action with the killers.
We hate this kind of criminal democracy where the public of a country feel themselves insecure with every passing day. Autocracy is far better than this feudal democracy, where the feudal, Sardars and Khans are still ruling by the power of their huge property and money .They are purchasing the poor public during the election. Why these kind of criminal persons are not being killed by the extremists? Because the extremists are being paid by these kind of people to create uncertainty or to pave the way for looting the country and to make happy their European and American lords.
We expect from the present government to sustain peace in Gilgit Baltistan and even ask the so called government and administration of Gilgit Baltistan on the previous killings of innocent people. If the present government follows the previous government’s way of crime, then it means the being of alien rulers from Pakistan is here just for nothing except to retain the discriminated colonial status with their puppet representatives of Gilgit Baltistan
Mr Yunus Dagra is a very hardworking and capable public servant. He had done a lot of pioneering work when in Sindh. I am confident he will work towards improving quality of life of citizens of GB and work closely with NGOs and civil society
We all the Gbians welcome to respected Younus Dagha sab new chief secretary of GB with given expectations.
1. Chief sab would play his prime role to make the Gb a corruption free zone through coordination and collaboration of his team.
2. Ensure to honour the meritocracy in all aspect of official routines .i.e appointments, promotions, transfers postings etc.
3. Would play his key role in making peace and integration in GB
4. Would ensure smooth functioning of units effectively and efficiently and ensure proper service delivery by Govt. departments.
5. Ensure in place the systems in Govt departments to institutionalize the office routines.
6. Set targets with department heads/ secretaries to ensure in time complete of projects or meeting dead lines.
7. Ensure to develop the code of conduct or KRA ( Key result Areas ) for all Govt. employees
8. The last but no least to apply the principles of good governance (transparency, participation, responsiveness, rule of law, effectiveness and efficiency, strategic vision and accountability) through mentoring and monitoring the GB staff.
Mr. Salim sajjad Hotiana had earned a good name in GB through visiting the project sides to ensure its progress. On same line we would expect with new Chief sab to not only continue such type of best practices but accelerate it as well.
appreciating efforts form the government to suspend the chief secretary from Gilgit Baltistan and the appointment of a new on his replacement.
We urge new Chief Secretary to closely monitor the Government departments which create hurdle for public instated of support. there is lot of issues and regarding Marriott, low and order situation etc.
I welcome the new Chief Secretary Mr. Younus to GB. we have a request from chief secretary that there is a huge corruption in PWD where they don’t care about the rights of the community. the month of june ended and they didn’t pay many of land owners land compensation. we the community at Danyore waiting for land compensation for the last many years but no one is yet serious to pay. therefore we urge through this Pamir Times from the Chief Secretary to consider our request and make some necessary orders towards PWD for paying land compensation of Danyore community.
Abdullah Jan Danyore Baig Market
I am amazed how a miner and additional secretary finance will tackle the prevailing situation in Gilgit Baltistan. its a dilemma that an illiterate ministers have been appointed as Education Minister same as this is lack of decision making and poor policy of PML (N). Interior minister has given a glance over his disqualification and incapability…. Pakistan is ruined by such politicians.
mr temor
he is not a politician
he is a csp officer.
mark it a good step and appreciate it man …
it is for ur betterment…