Establishment of Hematology Analyzer Diagnostic Lab in Drosh, Chitral, hailed

Gul Hamaad Farooqi
Chitral, July 8: District Zonotic Control Committee (DZCC) held a meeting at its office in the Live Stock Department’s premises in which the participants hailed the establishment of Hematology Analyzer diagnostic laboratory at Tehsil Headquarters Hospital Drosh.
The DZCC meeting was attended by heads of all line department like health, police, Education, TMA, police EPI, National program etc. Dr. Ibrahim suggested that equipment should be purchased after proper coordination with the relevant department so these equipments purchased by RI must be proper utilized. Dr. Wiqar veterinary officer of RI said that we have established libraries and laboratories with necessary equipments and books at different schools of Chitral and have trained teachers for its maintaining. The ZCC members laments negative behavior and apathy veterinary hospital Ayun who refused from getting free vaccine from RI because they getting money from public.
It was also discussed that anti rabbis vaccine is providing to health department by RI for free vaccination to dog biting patients and they urged on increasing of that ARV. They also lamented that some teachers nor cooperate with RI regarding training and maintaining their libraries. The participants highly appreciated efforts of RI regarding controlling of zonotic diseases which is transferring from animal to human and from human to animal. Later on an awareness walk was also held in this regarding on zonotic diseases. Walk was started from Chitral press club passing through various bazaar and ended at PIA square. Students of different schools carrying banners inscribing the message regarding awareness of Zonotic diseases. A large number of people belonging to all walks of life attended zonotic walk.