Heavy snowfall in Astore District, highlanders worst affected

Ghulam Muhammad
Gilgit, March 11: Heavy snowfall from 9th to 11th March 2014 has badly effected the lives and routine activities of the natives living in difficult and hilly areas of District Astore. There are reports of 3-5 feet snowfall in areas like Union Gudai, Dasskharm, Chillum as well as the Ratu Union, Mirmalik Union, Rehamanpore Union and Upper areas of Louse.
Parishing Union is cut off from rest of the district, with no means of communication. The most backward union of this most remote District is Minimarg, which remains cut off from the rest of world from October to 1st June for six months. Due to the snowfall and avalanches which road from Chillum onward are also blocked.
People are suffering from diseases like cold, pneumonia, chest and throat infections, leading to Bronchitis. At the same time they have lack of health opportunities, having little access to hospitals where medicines and doctors are scarcely available.
It is pertinent to note that the National Disaster Management Authorities have declared Astore as one of the most vulnerable thirty (30) districts of Pakistan.