
The dilemma of our leaders

Engr. Sikandar Shigri

The saga of the panama leaks has spread to the globe and it has shaken many powers of the world. Last month Mosaic Fonseca, panama based law firm and corporate service provider has released about 11.5 million documents on its website. It revealed the names of politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers and military officers from all over the world who have their offshore companies. Names of Pakistani politicians and their families were also there in the list.

In the wake of the panama leaks, a chaotic condition evolved in many countries. People were seen protesting against their politicians whose names are in the paper. Some politicians were sacked from their respective offices as the consequence of the protests against them. Some politicians presented themselves for open, free and fair accountability.

This storm also lashed out in Pakistan. The incumbent Prime minister’s family were also accused of this case. The government is experiencing strong resistance from opposition parties. Prime minister has appeared twice on TV and spoke to nation. He has left no stone unturned to palliate the nation but all in vain.

The opposition parties are getting united over this issue to relegate the PM from his office. Every passing days their demands are multiplying. The government has framed a TOR regarding the allegation but the opposition has subbed it. Opposition parties have presented their own TOR.

PM has ordered to form a commission under the supervision of CJP to probe into the matter. On the other hand opposition is demanding to take help of the international experts.

Government is seen quite desperate and it is inaugurating already started and also some new projects to mitigate the intensity of the blow of this issue.

A leader should be a role model for his followers in all aspects. He should set examples of honesty for his followers. His personality should be as transparent as glass. He must not have a blemish past. His hands should not be soiled in any corruption, tax evasion or money laundering case.

If the PM and the president of any country find guilty in corruption, money laundering and tax evasion cases then what a perception goes to its citizens. Definitely a state of agitation, insecurity and frustration will rise among the citizens. As the aftermath an arrogant, ill and criminal mind society will develop.

To root out these evils we need a stark overhaul of the whole system of our country and should nib all those evils in their buds which give rise to an arrogant society.

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