Behind the facade of objectivity

Mesum Qasmi
When progressives,socialists and left-wing political parties were critical of undemocratic forces for their intervention in politics, the proponents of PTI ideology painted it as “anti-state”. When there was a raucous debate about the extension of COAS in the country, the supporters of PTI obfuscated the whole scenario saying, “mulk kay azeem tar mafad mein extension deni chahiye.”
When people raised voice against the forced, unlawful, Balouch disappearances and demand their judicial trial, PTI friends tried to justify it by saying, “begair reason kay nahi uthatay.”
When folks would stand for freedom of press and media, lambasting the abduction of journalists like Mati ullah Jan, the “tigers” of PTI either observed grave silence, or accused the journalists of being on the payroll of political parties or foreign agencies.
When socialists throughout the country raised slogans to bolster student unions and demanded freedom of political organization, PTI friends mocked them saying, “kis say azaadi chahiye”.And then, of course, PTI started its own Azaadi March“.
So, when PTI marches towards Islamabad, it is a Pakistani march but when other parties march, ‘it is to derail the government by challenging the writ of the state’.
Performance of PTI remained in shambles during its tenure. Instead of delivering on its promises, a political culture of recrimination, blame game and badmouthing opposition was promoted by the top leadership and parrotted by the lower cadres, often without thinking.
PTI should have focused on policymaking, as Chairman Imran Khan had pledged on containers. We should have the heart to give room to dissenting views coming from any segment, class or community. We need to stop the selective approach and polity.
PTI should have been allowed to march peacefully and reach Islamabad while exercising its democratic right enshrined in the constitution. State apparatus should not have been used. Coercion and violence must not be even the last resort. It will result in resentment, chaos and crisis in the country.