Ghazanfar visits Khudabad, inaugrates “Ghazanfar Block” at DJ School
by Piyar Ali Sagi
Gilgit, June: Chief executive Gilgit-Baltistan Mir Ghazanfar Ali Khan visited Khudabad Gojal and announced many packages for the village such as construction of metal road, new water project for Didar Abad and 3o lakh

rupees for other infrastructure development projects.
He also inaugurated a new block at the D J middle school building which has been named as Ghazanfar block. He also ordered that water tanks which had been seized by NAPWD last year, shall be issued immediately.
Also acoompnaying the chief executive during this visit were MDC Jan Alam and Rani Atiqa, member of NALA. Traditional program had been arranged in honor of the visitng guests. Numberdar Mohammad Raziq Zoqi offered lunch for the guests at his residence.
That’s means Elections Campaign starts…………. from Khudaabad. You really need such names and prayers for this election like Khudaabad, Aliabad, Muhammadabad, Karimabad so that Khuda, Muhammad (PBUH) and Hazarat Ali can help you to win.
Good Luck.
Amazing compaign by Gazani, ……………. So good start ….
We will never ever let our people of Gojal agian make such blunder mistake …you are already defeated during your powerful tenure of Cheif Executive Nortethern Areas, your wife Attiqa, your pet Eiman Shah the Voice Chairman, your successor in Gojal Shabaz Khan the District Counciller and the most powerful person in Admisteration, by the poor people of Gojal in Sost Dryport issue.
So don’t take risk to vist Gojal again other wise once these poor and already suffered people will not much able to control over themselves.
We have rejected you and Shabaz in Sost Dryport and will defeat you all in every stag
remember people of hunza what ever ghazanfer is, we have to accept that he is the only one leader of hunza till now. we have to produce some one else till then there is no one to competete him.
Mr sajid barcha sost dry port was to be created in juglot. ghazanfer was the man who faught for its transfer to hunza. you should be thankfull to him. and about Eiman shah i am going to tell you that he was right to cooperate mir to make him power full. do you know we have to make our leaders power full after voting for them otherwise they cant do any thing for their area……when ghazanfer go on wrong way, in other words when Mr EIMAN SHAH’s powers were used in wrong way he left them…. i mean to say he was right when he started sharing powers with ghazani and still his decision was right to left him alone. this is not the time to querral. get together as we are in state of war as we have to do alot for our region. we have to make hunza the district headquater, we have to increase seats at assambly and we have to bring lot more reforms. join hands in hands hunzukuz otherwise your ruling time is going to be end. thank you and sorry if any thing wrong is written 🙂
certainly a good option to begin with KHUDA 😛 “Khuda e eek nukan”
Elections Campaign starts certainly!!!… But I am sure the people will understand the DRAMAA….
regards ,
Ghazanfar’s decision to start formal election campaign from Khudabad has a very important message. He, once again, wants to use the ethno-linguistic card to win votes. It’s nothing new, when you talk of the “royal” thugs. This is tantamount to pre-empted, pre-planned rigging of elections.
Another interesting observation; why only Jan Alam and Attiqa accompanied him during the visit? Why not some leader from Gojal? What about Show-boz or rest of the ‘leaders’?
hahahaha… well said by sultan bhai… be aware of the tricks of this man… dont come in his colurfull drammas.
umer sari tu kati issq butan may momin, Akhri waqt may kia khak musalman hona.
all I request to my all youth of hunza valley to not give chance for ghazanfar He is a stupid person.
I still believe that yet again he is going to win because they are working on a set plan while the rest of us are just talking and no practical steps or strategy to counter them.
If we really want to get rid of them then we have to be more organize, more practical, more vigillent. We have yet to see who is our candidate whom the majority of the people of Gojal see as their true leader.
I request our youth to be united, set up groups who conduct studies, polls, generate trends and check what strategy he and his party people are making.
The population of Hunza and Gojal are more educated and our voters should also show maturity now. I would suggest that our youth should come forward with their intellectual powers combined with modern tools to combat the evil power who have so far dominated the politics of Hunza and Gojal.
Only words and hollow emotions won’t work if we really want a change.
Please the YOUTH OF HUNZA AND GOJAL,,,,,,,,,,,WAKE UP!!!!
i really apprecaite the efforts of MIR he deserve to WIN.
Mir please keep going we all are with you.
the all commnets of those who have not Vote:-)
typically oldie syle of compaign by Ghazanfar ghazanee, wow , almighty of Atiqa and umbrella of Raziq many things will go on…just wait. His last visits with his Chamcha Bye bye ghazanee
the question we should not ask ourselves is if he is stupid or no but is he fit to lead us.The thought of Mr. Gazafar leading us again makes me sad, because we have been free physically for long time but mentally we’re still slaves to his family. I think we should elect a leader who knows the problems we face in north Pakistan. Let’s think today about what he has done for us as a leader? As far as I remember he hasn’t done anything. Has he achieved anything? Then answer will be NONE.
When I was a high school student in Gulmit, I remember that we did not have science or laboratory teacher. It took many years for the students to have science teachers. Oh how can I forget the primary government school‘s construction in Gul kin, it took 12 years to complete. Still today we can see the roads in our area in poor condition. I don’t remember him ever doing anything for the women of our area.
Ask yourself why do you support Mir sahib? Just because your grandparent or parents do that’s why? I can understand why my grandfather used to support him because during his time there was only mir sahib. What I don’t understand is why people are still supporting him when they have better understanding of the world. My father during his time was diehard fan of former Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto but I am not, I don’t follow the blood line of Bhutto because Bhutto taught us to stand for ourselves not for his family. Let’s say no for once, vote for a person who is more like us, understands our problem and speaks for the people of north Pakistan (does not change his party with every government)
Do,t go with the political roars which are the part and parcels of Ghazenfer’s compaign for upcoming eleections, look @ the past long regime, where his contribution is negligble since his 1st winning and look @ the future which is the real time, where he is coming fit into that frame,,,so look for a real time demanded leader,,please get rid of Ghazenfer for the future of our region.
Weither he starts compaign from khuda abad or shimshal he gonna b upside down in next election… start Throughing potatos and rotten eggs on him where erer he goes. It is part of the campaign.
a beg gambler of the area Gazne is doing well, it is useless to threw dust on his praviuose deeds. if we have the courage to become unite and we have fully awear about the politics we should do somethings unique and new. our comments are very powerfull but here we are still Gazne chumcha. one thing for every nationalist and candidates who r going to paticipae in the election, why every one start their campain from chipursan. what is the main caouse there. but we hope that the innocent people of chipursan will use their votes for the betterment of their area, it will be very hard for the garget polititions to come there with great hpoe.
think 100 time before going to chip.
1st nov YOUMe AZADI? Mubarik ho…..
Garq begas tou bon zakoun
aki akoj tom rai yaroun
dunya boti heran tharoun
glt baltistan gni Balawaristan sanoun