EducationGilgit - BaltistanPakistanPolitics

Who plays for India in Gilgit-Baltistan?

Is the allegation of Ghazanfar Ali Khan that “nationalist parties are being funded by India” ture?

The following is an abstract from Jawed Naqvi’s article published in DAWN. Complete at SOURCE

Advocating that India should seek ‘For an eye, both eyes! For a tooth, the whole jaw’, he [BJP Minister, Arun Shouri] offered the following advice:

‘The time when large armies could be sent across the borders, that time has gone. The time when large bodies of armies could be sent across the borders has gone. There are no training camps to bomb. But Pakistan gives us the clue what we should be doing to make them register a cause, that is, look at the violence in Kashmir in the last year-and-a-half that has gone down because Pakistan has been preoccupied in its own problems. So, keep it preoccupied in its own problems in Balochistan, in Gilgit, Baltistan, in PoK.’

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  1. Anything that emanates from Mr. Ghazanfar is surely mis-leading and utterly false. So, my answer is – NO.

  2. PT should not advocate or highlight such nasty remarks of Mir Ghazanfer.As Gilgit-Baltistan is a disputed state and pakistan is unable to give constitutional rights..So if India and Israel are helping us than no one should have to bother about it.

  3. As for as the statement of Mir Ghazanfar is concern, it may be his personal opinion, not neccessarily true. I think this all is a part of game to delude the masses for comming election because these are the nationalists who can give a taugh time to federalist parties in the region. Moreover, he is on helm of authority if he is affirm to his claim then, it is his duty to uncove the faces involved in such acts.

  4. G-B is relatively a small place, both in geographic area and population density senses. A number of agencies must be operating in these areas and would probably be aware of the elements playing dirty and anti people’s roles there. The agencies are expected to unearth the plot, sooner the better.

    Politicians and leaders like Ghazanfar need not to accuse and dump allegations on each other, if they tend to do so, it will be an adverse reflection on their performance as elected representatives of the area. People will definitely ask that why didn’t you exposed them, in the first place at appropriate levels, if you are so sure about elements now.

  5. It think the statement given by ghananfar has no any reality.
    He has a lack of knowledge about G-B, he is afraid due to see the popularity of Nationalists in G-B due to save his political status he has given this statement..

  6. Ghazanfar is not speaking by his own will, it’s somone else who’s afraid of the well awared, educated and faithfull Nationalists in Glt-Bln. He knows it’s da nationalists who’d be a big hurdle in da way of a Great Game, which is going to be played against the innocent people of Glt-Bln once again. My request frm my bros and sisters is that ,”Please be A Researcher not A Follower..!!”
    Mr ghznfar has no idea, wot he is talking about, im ashamed of calling him as our elected leader, a leader should have some wisdom, knowledge about da consequences of any statment he makes, he should think many times before he say’s anything…
    All of those wid some Bad Intentions about Us should know, that “A Generation Awakens This Time”
    U can’t make a fool out of us now. We Know Everything mr. ghaznfer..!!!

  7. Comrad Hyder Abbas

    Thank you for coming to this forum and stating your party’s position on the allegation leveled by many people, besides Ghazanfar Ali Khan.

    For information of readers, Hyder Abbas is the spokesperson of BNSO (the student wing of BNF-Hameed)


  8. Dear Noor Bhai..Comrade Haider Abbas is now the Central President of BNSO.i will send you pictures of new cabinet of BNSO Oath taking ceremony.Hope you will publish it.

  9. mr Gh azar given like childish comments The allegation of Ghazanfar Ali Khan on nationalist people is totelly wrong.

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