Gilgit - Baltistan
GBLA urged to protect rights of senior citizens

Safdar Ali Safdar
Gilgit, April 7: The Age Demand Action Committee Gilgit urged the government and its stakeholders to provide fundamental rights of the senior citizens through legislation from the Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly on urgent basis. This demand was raised though a resolution in a seminar held on the occasion of the World Health Day 2013, in the regional capital on Sunday.
“Senior citizens are most respectable for all of us and it has been our tradition to give more respect to them and keep care of their rights, said Yasmin Nazar Member GBLA and Parlimentry Secretary Law while addressing to the seminar as chief guest. She assured the gathering to present a bill containing rights of senior citizens included separate counter for them in NADRA, Banks and hospitals and special travel discount in NATCO in the upcoming session of GBLA. She also assured to talk to Adviser tourism Sadia Danish for holding sports tournament and exchange visits for the senior citizens.
Earlier then Asif Hussain Chairman Red Crescent Society GB and President Age Demand Action committee presented a resolution and said senior citizens should be given their basic rights under the charter of the United Nation along other facilities.
Regional coordinator of GDWO Munir Ahmed Johar and senior journalist Tahir Rana also addressed to the seminar.
The seminar was organized by Green Development and Welfare Organization in collaboration with Help Age International which was attended by the senior citizens of Gilgit.
Well done north pak currently known known by G-B was well fame for the life longevity in the world.Currently the life expectancy at birth is 60 years for males and 58 years for females. One of the basic reason behind this is neglect ion of the elder by the families. I do agree about the legislation but i am sure that the individual responsibility and respect can make a big difference.Keeping in view the self respect,the social norms,there self esteem there economical need could help them in prolonging there life as well as there productivity .
So let us start from our house and family to respect our elders …….