Independence Day of Gilgit-Balitstan celebrated at SZABIST, Islamabad

Reported by Dil Nawaz Hunzai
Islamabad: Students from Gilgit-Baltistan studying at Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology,Islamabad celebrated Independence Day of Gilgit-Baltistan with full zeal and zest. Students and faculty members from different departments participated in the event.
Aziz Ahmad Jan Chief operating Officer of Shifa International and Mr.zafar Iqbal, PPP leader, and Ex-MD NATCO, were chief guests at the occasion. Both guests advised the students of GB to maintain and promote their cultural identity and be proud of their heritage.
A cake was cut at the occasion to commemorate the delayed 1st November celebration, to remember and honor the freedom fighters who liberated Gilgit-Baltistan from the Dogra occupiers.