CultureGilgit - BaltistanPakistan

Archaeological heritage damaged near Chilas

Buddhist Stone Curvigng Art, Near Chilas

Careless Electoral Campaigning? Theocratically inspired “revenge” or…….. what?

An important Tourist Site damaged. SOURCE

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  1. It is really a very bad practice to compromise the beauty of the area by writing and throwing different dyes on the Stupa of Bhuda or on other pre-existing beautiful monuments.

    Many people all around the world are affiliated with these stupas as are an emblem of their spritual or religious belief.
    All these wrong practices are because of lack of awareness and non-sensitive approach of thepeople.

    These kind of approaches and practices must be avoided as to respect the faith of others, at one hand, and to ensure smooth flow of tourists to our beautiful region.

  2. A sign of callusness, bigotery, and apathy of the society as well as the government towards our heritages.

    Farman Ali

  3. I am very sorry to learn of the vandalism of rock art in Indus Kohistan. This serves no one’s interests. The past is history and that cannot be changed. There is no contradiction between being a devout Muslim and appreciating one’s earlier history.

  4. yeah this isnt good to destroy these type of rare things ! because you cant find Buddhists in pakistan and thier stupas and temples !

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